Monday, May 30, 2011

Pictures of the Kids

This is my oldest Quin on the last day of school.

This is Grayler my youngest child.  They were supposed to wear disco to school, but his costume didn't fit him.

Gentry is my middle child and my fashionista.  Her daddy made her dress for disco day and she wore it with style.

In the beginning....

After reading a friends post about her family, I decided to give blogging a whirl.  Not sure if I will keep up with it, but I am going to try.  A little bit about myself.  I married my high school boyfriend, Brandon Massey.  We met in March of 1991 and we have known each other for 20 years now, WOW!  We have 3 children, Quin (11), Gentry (9), and Grayler (7).  They just finished up the school year, which was a little emotional for me since Quin will be leaving elementary school and heading to middle school next year.  Brandon will be taking her and 5 of her friends to our cabin in Red River for an end of school trip.  She is taking girls that will be going to Crockett next year and we are hoping this will help her establish some strong relationships as she enters those middle school years.